November, 2010 (5)

  • The seed is the word (8:4-15)

    When the Lord Jesus preached the good news of the kingdom, many people listened with joy and excitement.  But Jesus knew that out of all who heard, few would press on to true repentance and faith.  Yet he was sure that from the seed sown, harvest would come at last.

  • Jesus the Liberator (8:1-3)

    On Remembrance Sunday we remember the events of two World Wars.  Jesus's coming was God's D Day for a world enslaved by Satan.  He came to break Satan's kingdom and to establish the kingdom of God.

  • A View from the Piano

    Most people have probably never thought about what it’s like to be an accompanist – to play the piano or another instrument whilst we sing to God. That’s because most of us don’t have to do it. But even those of us who do play don’t always think carefully about…

  • Confessions Then and Now

    An address given at the God’s Glory Our Joy Conference 2006 on the enduring value of creeds and confessions. I’ve been asked to speak at this session on the subject of confessions then and now.  In case any of you came under a false impression, no I’m not suggesting that…