November, 2012 (3)

  • Leaving and Cleaving

    When a man and a woman get married, they leave the families in which they were born and a new family unit is formed.  But what should their relationship be with the families they have left?  Do we value our wider families as we should?

  • What makes a marriage?

    Family life should be a reflection of God's own Triune life.  But we have to build families in a fallen world.  We discover God's blueprint for marriage in Genesis.  But then we have to work it out in all the messy situations of life here and now.

  • Koinonia

    I've just returned from our first ever international study week! For five days I’ve sat with eight (occasionally nine) men around a table in a church building in Wetzlar, Germany. And together we’ve worked at understanding Philippians.