Tag: suffering (12)

  • The house of mourning

    One verse has been often in my mind over the past weeks.  “It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for this is the end of all mankind, and the living will lay it to heart” (Ecclesiastes 7:4)

  • Illness

    I’m sitting in bed, off sick from work with a cough and cold on my chest (no need for sympathy – I wrote this a couple of months back now). And it’s making me think about illness. Some of us have a continuous struggle with illness every day of our…

  • Obadiah Holmes’s Will

    These are to signify that I Obadiah Holmes of Newport, Rhode Island being at present through the goodness and mercy of my God of sound memory and being by daily intimation put in mind of the frailty and uncertainty of this present life, do therefore for settling my estate in…

  • Do you expect to be sent to prison?

    Do you expect to be sent to prison?  For a long time, I’ve accepted the fact that I’m likely to serve a jail sentence at some point. What for?  For preaching the Bible.  And for trying to follow what it says. How close are we to the situation where Christians…